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How does Pyramid really work, is there a science behind it?

How does Pyramid really work, is there a science behind it?


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The Overall Science Behind the Pyramid

K.S.Vishwanath Vashisht Assistant Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Amity University, Manesar, Gurgaon, Haryana, India.

Abstract- The main objective of this study is to predict the possibility of electrical power generation, transmission and distribution from the massive pyramids of the world. The information includes on the geometric details and importance, alignment and its importance, pyramids as a storage place for mummies?, ionization process, working of pyramids, materials used for construction, molecular structure observations in plant tissues, animals and humans, and science behind the generation of electricity. The comments are also made on the successful pyramid construction made possible by ancient people who were connected in a global scale with same technology on the entire planet. Keywords- Pyramid, Electrical power, crystal, electromagnetic field, negative ions, giant humans.

I. INTRODUCTION The pyramids constructed on earth dates back to at least 3000 BC. These amazing gigantic structures were constructed on only those locations by the people of ancient civilizations where the electromagnetic charges are found to be maximum on the surface of the globe. The pyramids and their ruins on the globe can be located in Egypt, China, Mexico, Unites States of America, Turkey, Indonesia, France, Canary islands, Italy, Mauritius, Bosnia, Iran, Sudan, Iraq and Cambodia. The remains of pyramids indicates that the people in that time were experts in Electrical, Mechanical, Biological, Metallurgy, Astronomical, Astrological, Architectural, Physical and Chemical sciences. The figure below shows the pyramid structures of the world.

pyramid structures of the world
II. MOTIVATION From the stories of Egypt, it can be noted that the pyramids were built to store the mummies of the kings and their belongings. But the hidden agenda is electrical power generation, transmission, distribution and for some sort of signal transceiving purpose. Some pyramids of Balinese and Mayan are capable of predicting the daily-monthlyyearly-past-present-future of the people and also the natural calamities of the Earth. They also have the display system of daily calendar and time. Electricity was efficiently generated and widely utilized in ancient Egypt. The Baghdad battery and the first arc lights were used at that time. A careful examination of Egyptian history immediately reveals the sophistication in perfect illumination. No stains of carbon has been found in the corridors of the pyramids or the tombs of the kings because these areas were lit using electricity. The carvings show that the Egyptians used hand-held torches powered by cable-free power sources. Close inspection of the pictures in the Temple of Hathor below shows that high-voltage insulation was used, just like that of today; this is supported by a rectangular column resembling a light bulb (believed to have been used as an insulator and known as the Djed Column.) This astonishing resemblance to the light bulbs we use today is most striking.
Carvings of hand held torches
Carvings of wired filament tubes from a different viewpoint
Carvings of wired filament tubes from a different viewpoint
Carvings of wired filament tubes from a different viewpoint
III. METHODOLOGY The present day crystal oscillators are capable of producing electro motive force when vibrated and Quartz is a naturally obtained crystal. Likewise, The ancient pyramids were built by layered walls such that the inner core layer of the outer walls are of stepped design and made of limestone of different qualities, copper, cement with traces of quartz material. The limestone, cement and copper serves for the strength, stiffness and stability required for the structure.[17][18][19] The quartz material in it serves for generating electricity. The outer layer of the pyramid is made up of quartz and limestone materials. Also the tip of the pyramid was made of Gold cap stone that helped to amplify the electrical power generation. The figure below shows the pyramid of Giza with a noticeable cap at the top and other small pyramid with stepped architecture. The figure below shows the pyramid of Giza. [13[15]
Also the arc lamp used in the Lighthouse of Alexandria is further proof that electricity was used in ancient Egypt. The energy required to power the Lighthouse of Alexandria for 24 hours a day could only have been supplied by a regular electrical source. The figure below shows the lighthouse of Alexandria.
The generation of electricity requires the pyramid to vibrate always. Hence the location at which the electromagnetic waves are more on the surface of the globe are chosen to be the perfect sites for the pyramid. For example, the pyramid at Giza is standing on the underwater currents of the river Nile plus on a location where high electromagnetic flux lines can be measured and felt. This provides the vibrations required for the crystals to vibrate at all times. And Graphite rods are connected to the pyramid floors made of diamagnetic granites.[4] The figure below illustrates the ionic emission at the apex.
Ionic emission at the apex
The electromagnetic field that is formed at the bottom is actually negative ions of atmospheric air that are transmitted to the upper layers of the pyramid. This facilitates a conductive path of negative ions to the outer areas of the tip. To enhance the ionic content, at the tip, gold or copper cap stone is fitted so that the ions try to reach the suuroundings and ionosphere. This reduces pollution and increases ozone layer. To obtain the maximum voltage, its construction also plays a major role. The angle of the slant height should be 51.8ᵒ. The alignment of the pyramid is always to the true north. The very shape of the pyramid is an amplified receiver or resonator of various kinds of energy fields. In a pyramid the direction of its magnetic field is outward from the south pole of the pyramid and inwards to the North Pole. The pyramid shape generates a spin field from its apex for electrons, meaning that they can move in an angular momentum, i.e. around their own axis. So, if moving or kinetic energy enters the pyramid at the top opening, this can be taken as the north pole of its magnetic field and as the pyramid emits energy from its middle, this can then be taken as the south pole of its magnetic field. Once it entered into the pyramid, the energy bounces from the equal sides of its walls and the five angles of the pyramid project a beam of radiation towards the center where the energy is collected or pooled to form the "fire in the middle" also known as Centre of mass or centre of gravity of the pyramid which is located at a height of 1/3rd of the altitude from the base of the pyramid and 2/3rd distance from the apex (Phi ratio). In the pyramid of Giza, [17[19]These energies all combine in the center or King’s chamber area and Queen’s chamber area. The molecules or atoms in this area absorb these energies by resonance. In some pyramids, openings can be seen from the sides so that once it enters, bombarding takes place inside the walls then concentrating at the centre of the gravity.
The maximum voltage produced at the tip is transmitted through a wireless technology that was not harmful and was used to operate the domestic and highly sophisticated machineries of that time. The pyramids of those days resemble the power grid technology of today except that it does not require transmission wires and step down transformers. Moreover the entire population was utilizing the same technology for electrical power generation, transmission, distribution and wireless communication systems because the architecture of the pyramid in Bali resemble the architecture of the pyramid in Peru, implies that all the people were globally connected with same technologies or have been taught by the same group of people or wandering scientists.
Containment Bubble or Force Field: Joe Parr, a member of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association, discovered that sun spot activity and the phases of the moon had an effect upon the intensity of a pyramid's energy field and that throughout year the energy field would block all electromagnetic radiation and even the force of gravity for a certain time frame. The figure below illustrates the magnetic and electric flux lines.
The magnetic and electric flux lines
IV. OBSERVATIONS The other organic and non organic matter observations made inside the pyramids are,
  • Negative Ions help to reproduce and repair body cells. They're transmitted into the body through the air and are circulated by the blood. Too many positive ions (the result of air pollution) can cause depression, and ultimately, illnesses. Thus, negative ions have a beneficial effect on the body. Pyramids generate negative ions. In addition, they are believed to have a generally balancing effect on the body's electromagnetic field. This effect is greatly enhanced if the materials used is gold or copper. 
  • Restores the luster of tarnished jewelry and coins. Also sharpness and strength to the sword. 
  • Purify water. 
  • Mummify
  • Help keep milk fresh and prevent souring without refrigeration. 
  • Dehydrate flowers without losing their form or color. 
  • Increase the growth rate of plants. 
  • Help attain increased relaxation. 
  • Improves the taste of coffee, wine, and certain fruit juices. 
  • Promotes healing of cuts, bruises and burns, as well as reduces pain from toothaches and headaches. 
  • Many people have also experienced that after sleeping inside a pyramid they find that they need less sleep and feel more relaxed and at peace when they wake up.
  • Egyptologists have found well preserved grain in tombs that is thousands of years old. In contrast, grains stored in modern world to store grains near the field, usually spoils after only a few seasons of storage. Grain in modern silos usually keeps no longer than four years.
  • The animal apparently wandered into the King's Chamber and perished before finding an exit route at the pyramid of Giza. The cat's body dried out, although the air in the King's Chamber is always humid.
  • In accordance with funerary customs, an elaborate meal was set out on pottery platters. The meal consisted of porridge, quail, kidneys, pigeon, fish, beef ribs, triangular loaves of bread, cakes and fruits. Their state of preservation was so excellent that Egyptologists easily recognized all of the foods in the entire meal, although it is almost 5,000 years old.
  • Meditating inside a pyramid: Feeling of warmness, a sense of weightlessness, tranquility, relaxation, enhanced focusing, a positive approach can be observed in a user who regularly uses a pyramid

Looking into the above points, there is a possibility that they also experimented with genetics and microbiology. Since small experimental pyramids are capable of multiplying the plants cells faster, massive sized pyramids should also increase the growth of animals and plants abruptly. [15]It suggests that experiments on infants, their needs, growth measurements could have been done inside. This leads to the questions on the possibilities of the presence of giant humans, because the pyramid in Giza is constructed by many giant limestone weighing 15 tonnes of excellent fineness and precision. And the construction upto the apex of the pyramid requires skilled labour, machinery and tools. From the cave paintings and carvings, one can give the hierarchical meanings of importance or can conclude that the giants existed at one point of time due to experiments done inside the pyramids who could easily handle 15 tonnes of limestone rocks as well as machineries. The figure below shows the servants applying water on a giant human, 2 normal sized humans serving a giant human, servants with giant humans on the boat with normal sized humans and skeleton structures obtained in the Egypt with diggers.

Servants applying water on giant human

 2 Normal sized humans serving a giant human

 Servants with giant humans on the boat

: Skeleton structures obtained in the Egypt with diggers

The figure below shows the technology of flying machines from the rock carvings from the caves. It is evident that very few flying machines can be identified by us are aircraft, helicopter and space station and we do not have answers for the other carvings yet. This shows the advance in their technology and machineries.

Ancient flying machines 

V. RESULTS & DISCUSSIONS Safe Electricity was generated, translated and distributed across the place by the vibrations created by the currents of water table below. Healing effects of pains and cuts can be observed. Abrupt growth rate is observed in the tissues of plants and animals and hence on humans also.
VI. CONCLUSION Wireless electricity was generated, translated and distributed across the place. Highly sophisticated 15 tonned stones with excellent precision and fineness that are used in pyramid construction is evident that it is built by giant humans. Mummification is observed in organic and inorganic materials. Abrupt growth rate is observed in the tissues of plants and animals and hence on humans also. And the giant skeleton structures obtained after the digging is a proof that giant humans existed on earth at one point of time.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I thank my brother Vijeth for always being there for me. I express my sincere gratitude, devotion to my parents and relatives for their love, caring, prayers, guidance and sacrifices. I also thank a few well-wishers and almighty for everything. 
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